Living Grace Church of the Nazarene has been a part of the Merrillville community for over 70 years. We want to be a church where we live grace filled lives that extend to our families, to our communities, and to our world. To be a church that makes a difference in the lives of those who attend as well as those who we have the privilege to serve in our community.
Our Vision
Living the Love, Hope, & Truth of Christ in our community!
Our Mission
To live by Love, to be known by our Faith, and to be a voice of hope!
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind. You must love your neighbor as yourself.”
Core Values
Love God, Love Others
We value showing our love of God and love for others.
A Prayerful People
We value & seek the presence and power of God through continuous prayer.
Connecting Christ & Community
We value building relationships by connecting our community to the love of Christ.
Joy In Serving
We value showing the love of Christ through serving
Community Worship
We value the importance of worshipping God together.
Seeking Christ-likeness
We value the importance of deeper and committed relationships with Christ.
Learning Together
We value spiritual growth through education & discipleship.